(black) (black) our new wordpress tube theme, you can use it for adult or non adult site. You can post videos manual or use any plugins this theme will recognize and display your post correctly, included function to resize video embed automaticly so all your videos will now have same dimension. Now you can have mixed content gallery, embeded videos and hosted videos.

Theme does not include any player wordpress default player is working fine.

This theme is responsive and working fine on all devices.


  1. Mobile ready
  2. Enable/disable ajax load
  3. Upload custom site cover
  4. Upload custom category images
  5. Compatible with all video plugins
  6. Widget ready
  7. Filtering a Class in Navigation Menu
  8. Included Time ago function for posts
  9. Custom powerful pagination function
  10. Custom comments template
  11. Automaticly Resizes embedded video
  12. Automaticly generate category page
  13. Ajax loaded all pages and speed up your site.
  14. Ajax search function included
  15. Uploading custom logo
  16. SEO Ready
  17. and much more…


  • Designer: wpTuber
  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Released on: 2019-08-04
  • Updated on: 2019-12-27
  • Requirement: WordPress 3+
  • Layout: Responsive
  • Columns: 2 column
  • Browsers: Firefox, Opera, IE-9, Chrome, Safari
  • Files included: Yes
  • Documentation: Yes

Wordpress Responsive Tube Theme for wpXtube plugin

Wordpress Flat Theme For Tube Ace

Wordpress MaxTube Black Theme